Piano × Design
I combined my design skills with piano school. Students learn not only piano skills, but also create many things like music video, commercial, sound map, their own piano concert, art project, original song, score book, and so on.
why does it be needed?
In Japan, especially in the small city like Ehime which I was living, students don't have enough choices. Most of piano schools teach classical music only and very strict. I know many people who were learning piano before, but I don't know so many people who keep learning. I think the biggest problem is that teachers try to teach the skills before teaching how fun it is.
performance with local artists
I think it's also important for piano teachers to keep being performer. I have played as a pianist with artists in different fields. Japanese traditional dancer, ballerina, belly dancer, contemporary dancer, Japanese harp player, Japanese bamboo flute player, recitation for instance.
Projects that I did with students

Sound map
The collection of favorite sounds of piano students. You can listen those sounds by clicking pin on the map.
Daily improvisation
It is piano improvisation that my student and I made. I kept in mind to make time to play the piano together end of my piano class. Student find comfortable harmony by themselves.
Original drawing song
It is a drawing song that my student made. I accompanied her song and we made a video together.
Concert making workshop
It was a workshop of one hour. Students made a program of concert, requested assistant of lighting or instrument for audience in first 30 minutes and carried out in after 30 minutes. It was held in a cafe.

Sound leakage concert
It was a concert that I had in my house for neighbors because usually I try to cut the noise when I play piano. But I opened all of the windows and piano cover then my neighbors could listen my piano from their windows.